The Japanese Language & Culture Club (JLCC)

We're here to turn your love for Japanese culture into a cultural love fest!

Join our Group

About Us

Mission and Purpose

As members of the Japanese Language and Culture club, we strive to educate our community on Japanese language and culture. Additionally, we hope to create a safe space for others to express their interest in Japanese culture.

We aim to achieve our purpose through meetings, events, and study sessions. Furthermore, we hope to provide quality resources to those eager to learn more about the Japanese language. Such resources would include interactive sessions with native Japanese speakers as well as Japanese learner alumni.

Our E-Board

Michael Baburyan Profile

Michael Baburyan

Internal Vice-President
Lisa Cao Profile

Lisa Cao

External Vice-President
tiantian li Profile

tiantian li

Lisbeth Rivera Profile

Lisbeth Rivera

Emi Kikuchi Profile

Emi Kikuchi
