Undergraduate Student Organization
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Email group officers
Mission Our mission is to design, build, and fly an R/C UAV for the annual AIAA Design/Build/Fly (DBF) competition.
Membership BenefitsLearn how to design and build an R/C UAV.Learn SolidWorks, Ansys, AVL, and Motocalc. Be part of our three main teams:1- Propulsion2- Wing/ fuselage design3- Software Work on manufacturing the plane.AIAA $28 membership Benefits :AIAA Daily Launch — Stay informed on the latest industry reports that affect your day-to-day work.Student Chapters — Your connection to aerospace peers on your campus. Nearly 200 campuses worldwide participate in AIAA.Graduate and Undergraduate Scholarships — Fund your degree and earn profession-wide recognition.Design/Build/Fly Competition - Participate in this challenging and industry-recognized competition.Design Competitions - Compete in annual design challenges that span the breadth aerospace technical fields.Aerospace America — Get in-depth insight on the subject matter that is shaping the aerospace industry with this monthly digital publication.Participation is Power — Help advance our industry, and your leadership skills by volunteering and involving yourself in AIAA leadership, committees, and events.Local Section Events — Meet colleagues and network with engineers and aerospace professionals near you.Enhance Your Leadership Skills — AIAA's Regional Student Paper Conferences provide opportunities to present your technical papers and research.Use Our Career Center — Your ladder to success, AIAA lists the latest jobs in the aerospace industry!Discounts on AIAA Forums — Save on AIAA forums and professional development seminars that provide you with the opportunity to network with your fellow members. Have conversations with collaborative and innovative executives and professionals who will be your lifelong link to the aerospace community.Discounts on Publications — Get significant savings on textbooks, technical papers, and journals!Free Access — To AIAA standards documents.FREE Subscription — Expand your news beyond AIAA with a free subscription to Aviation Week and Space Technology.
Lifetime membership