Cap & Gown Information

General but important information regarding your Cap and Gown!

CLick HERE to purchase your Cap & gown

Purchasing (Online)

Cap and Gowns can be purchased online through the Herff Jones website starting from December 2024. When ordering students can choose either of the following:

1. Campus Pick-up (At no additional costs)
2. Home Shipping (At an additional cost of $13.95)

The Expedited Ordering Period will begin on April 19th, 2025. During this ordering period, students can only choose the Home Shipping option at an additional cost of $19.95.

Click here to order if you are a Student.

Click here to order if you are a Faculty.

If you need to contact the vendor about your order please email
*You MUST INCLUDE your name and order number to be assisted.*

About your Regalia


At CCNY...

  • Graduate students wear hoods colored according to their degree.
  • Undergraduate students do not wear hoods.
  • Caps have tassels in the school colors.
  • The cap and gown are yours to keep.


Items Price
Bachelor Student Keeper Cap, Gown and Tassel $32.00
Master Student Keeper Cap, Gown, Tassel and Hood $56.00
Grad Stoles for CWE $27.00

Keep in Mind:
Your cap should be centered on your head with the mortarboard (the top) flat, not tilted. Caps tend to slip; hairpins will help. The cap and gown are yours to keep.

Cap and Gown Pickup

Please come pick up your Cap and Gown at these times:

Location: TBD

Shipping Information:

The ordering site will remain open for ordering for standard home shipping fee of $14.90 or for students to pick up on campus for no additional charge until April 18th.

There will be a late ordering period for expedited home shipping only for a fee of $21.30 from April 20th until May 1st.

These dates are the same for Faculty ordering as well.

  • Q. Is it mandatory to purchase my cap and gown?

    A. It is not mandatory, however it is recommended if you are financially stable to make the purchase. It is a way for you to commemorate achieving this milestone with your loved ones.

  • Q. I believe I am eligible for an honors cord, how do I go about receiving it?

    A. Normally, an honors cord is distributed by your division of study. Please contact your division directly to learn about their honors cord distribution process.
        Want to learn more about graduation honors? Click here to learn more.

Have Questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact us via email, call, or visit. We are always happy to assist you!

The Office of Student Life and Leadership Development
160 Convent Avenue
North Academic Center (NAC) | Room 1/210B
New York, NY 10031

p: 212.650.5002