The City College of New York (CUNY)

Who We Are

SWE CCNY is a professional and social network intended to help train and develop not only strong engineers, but also strong connections. Our goal is to create a safe and friendly environment to help hone the abilities we possess but also develop ones we might not!

Our Mission

To stimulate women to achieve their full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity.

Social Media Outlets

​SWE CCNY is most active on our social media outlets! Please look below if you would like to get involved with SWE and our mission to train and develop strong engineers and connections! We share on a variety of platforms for those of you who prefer one app over the other:


This is our most active platform. Here you will see our latest events and our newest members. Occasionally we will post motivational quotes and fun facts, too. Follow us on Instagram!


We post our latest events on LinkedIn, too. If you are interested in our professional networking platform, go ahead and connect with us!


Come and chat with the e-board and our other SWE members directly on Discord! We post our latest events here, along with opportunities we find, including but not limited to: internships, job openings, cool and relevant programs, scholarships, and non-SWE related events.


Want to sponsor us? Find out more information here.

The City College of New York is located at 160 Convent Ave, New York, NY 10031.