Academic Affairs
Receive reports on academic services, i.e. advisement services, library services, writing center
Develop educational and scholarship programs that benefit the undergraduate student body
Investigate academic related issues
Current Initiatives
Meeting with Deans and Faculty to improve educational curriculum
Representing the student body during Faculty Senate Academic Integrity Meetings
Campus Affairs
Responsible for advising the USG on matters pertaining to public safety, facilities, athletics, and undergraduate student organizations
Shall enforce USG policies governing student organizations and their activities
Provide support and guidance to undergraduate student organizations and maintain their records and documents
Represent the USG on any college committees or bodies pertaining to club activities, facilities, and intercollegiate athletics, and public safety, or appoint designees
Serve as a liaison between the USG and the Towers' staff and assume other responsibilities as the USG may direct
Current Initiatives
Working with Facilities on improving the NAC building's escalators and elevators
Review the operational budget and make appropriate recommendations for changes
Review and approve all applications for funding in accordance with funding policies prescribed by the USG
Review all allocations and and make appropriate recommendations for the USG
Make recommendations to the USG regarding the status of the Student Activity Fee
Research other sources of funds to be channeled into student activities
Current Initiatives
Allocating funds for undergraduate clubs and USG events
Public Affairs
Responsible for maintaining communication between USG, the undergraduate student body, and the community
Oversees USG's social media presence, website, and publications
Represents USG on the Media Board as well as college committees or bodies pertaining to public relations
Transmits USG's missions and values
Current Initiatives
Updating the USG social media pages and website
Creating flyers and planning for the End of Semester Ball
Creating the USG Spring 2024 Semester Lavender Letter
Student Affairs
Maintain correspondence with senior administrators to ensure the preservation and improvement of student services
Advocate on behalf of disabled, international, and transfer students and other underrepresented groups on campus
Work beside the Division of Student Affairs to organize the community-related service events to enhance the experience of students on campus
Make appropriate recommendations to the Department of Student Life and Leadership Development on behalf of USG
Current Initiatives
Working on developing a survey to assess how online learning effects students' mental health with the Office of Enrollment Management
Judicial Council
Conducts internal USG impeachment trials and carries out disciplinary action
Review and revise bylaws as needed
Oversee activities of all committees
Maintain records and documents of Senate, the Cabinet and all committees
Review and investigate appeals of Title IX claims received from the Ombudsperson
Current Initiatives
Reviewing individual Senator performances
Revising the bylaws