Club Registration Steps

Learn the steps to register your club on campus for the next academic year
(Fall 2024 - Spring 2025)!

Club Registration Orientation Sessions

Interested in starting a club?

Join us this March for the start of your registration process! These sessions will be a mix of in-person and virtual session with the purpose of going over all the required information needed to make your club official for the Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 acdemic year (and give you access to all the required documents 😉).

Below you can find the details for each session.

Date Time Location
Tuesday, March 26th 12:30pm - 1:45pm Zoom
Friday, March 29th 12:30pm - 1:45pm Zoom

To register, please click on the link below. When registering make sure to include your club name (no abbreviations or acronyms), club status, and your class rank.

Club Requirements

The following are general requirements each club must complete in order to make their registration process easier to complete. All clubs are required to have at least four Executive Board Members (E-Board) and that includes: The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. A club that is missing one of these positions, will be unable to complete the Club Registration Form as these are required.

Undergraduate Clubs:

  • All executive board members (E-board) must be undergraduate students (Part-Time students may hold office).
  • The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer must have a GPA of at least 2.5.
  • All faculty advisors must be current faculty or staff of The City College of New York.
  • All Undergraduate organizations must have at least 16 currently registered members (excluding the four executives).
  • A student may hold an executive position in ONLY one club at any given time.
  • A student may NOT hold an executive office in the Undergraduate Student Government and an undergraduate student club at the same time.

Graduate Clubs:

  • All executive board members (E-board) must be graduate students.
  • The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer must have a GPA of at least 3.0.
  • All faculty advisors must be current faculty or staff of The City College of New York.
  • All Graduate organizations must have at least 12 currently registered members. (excluding the four executives).
  • A student may hold executive office in ONLY one club at any given time.
  • A student may NOT hold an executive office in the Graduate Student Council and a graduate student club at the same time.

Club Registration

Welcome back, everyone! It's that exciting time of the year once again! If you're not yet familiar with the process, let's introduce you to Club Registration – a mandatory but straightforward procedure that allows every club (new, pre-existing, and returning) to officially affiliate with the college.

Below you can find a brief guideline for this process:

  • Attend Club Orientation Session
  • Pass the Club Registration Quiz
  • Complete and Submit the Club Registration Form

Below you can find a breakdown of each step in this process.

  1. 1

    Attend a Club Registration Orientation

    Club Orientation sessions will be held during the Spring 2024 semester. The sessions are typically held virtually, with one in-person date during club hours (12:30pm - 1:45pm). The specific date, time, and location will be communicated as the spring semester approaches.

    After attending a club orientation session, a Club Relations associate will send you an email with information regarding your next step, completing the Club Registration Form via Campus Groups (CG).

    *Note: 2 Club Representatives MUST attend an orientation but do not need to attend the same date. It is the responsibility of those attending the orientation to share the information with ALL of the incoming e-board members. You can only represent ONE club/organization by attending an orientation session.

  2. 2

    Complete the CG Registration Application

    An application must be submitted by one of the executive board members via CG, using their CityMail credentials. The application link will be provided after 2 Club Representatives have been checked in for attending the orientation and passed their post orientation quiz. The application requires the information and documents listed below, which will be shared in an email after completion of Step 1.

    Information Required:
    Club Name, Club Email, Club Description, Club Establishment Year, Club Website/Social Media, Executive Board and Faculty Advisor Information, Member Information (Name and Email)

    Documents Required:
    Club Constitution, Club Contract

    *Note: Please scroll down for a list of resources and links for the required documents.

  3. 3

    Application Cross-checking

    After your club application has been submitted by one of your club's executive board members, a Club Relations associate will process the application, double-checking to ensure all of the information is correct and validating the signatures on each document. The Club Relations team member will reach out to the club's executive board via their Citymail to inform the executive board of errors in the application and/or required documentation.

    After the application and documents are viewed as acceptable, a Club Relations associate will inform the executive board member who completed the form of their club's new "Approved" status.

  4. 4


    After receiving your final approval email, congratulations are in order! Now that your club is officially recognized, there are several exciting steps to take. First, update your club information on the website and social media platforms to reflect your newfound status. Consider planning a welcome event to attract new members and introduce them to your club's mission once the semester starts. Collaborate with other recognized clubs for joint activities and events, fostering a sense of community. Lastly, explore opportunities to engage with the broader student body through workshops, collaborations, and community outreach.

    Thank you so much for joining us in this process!


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Useful Resources

Beaver Handbook - A Guide for Club Leaders

Whether cultural, social, academic, or career-related, the work you do to advance your club mission is vital to the life and heartbeat of our campus community.

Read More

Club Constitution Template

Empower your club's foundation and ensure smooth governance with our comprehensive and customizable club constitution template.

Download Here

Club Contract

Elevate your commitment to our shared goals and values by endorsing and upholding the standards outlined in our club contract.

Download Here


P: 212.650.5002

Club Relations & Reservations

North Academic Center (NAC) 1/210B
160 Convent Ave | New York, NY, 10031